Tip-toeing to Human Resources

“But how do I get my foot in the door to HR if I don’t have any experience?”

I get asked this question a lot!

Believe or not, my degree was not in Human Resources. My path to HR was from an accounting degree that put me in a position that was responsible for payroll. When the organization I worked for split off from their parent company, it left me the only one that could answer questions about benefits and policies. Voila! I became the Human Resources Director for that organization. I learned everything I needed to know through training and personal research and went on to continue working in Human Resource director and related roles.

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Ellen Zimmerman
What's your voice recording saying about you?

I apologize! If you are one of the people who have had to endure my voice recording to leave a message in the last year or so. Today is Saturday and I thought "Annn, I think I'll do some clean up on my cell phone. What's that word "Greeting" there for?" Oh my gosh! When I played my voice message and it sounded terrible! There was background noise, it was way too casual, considering I also use this number for my work, and it sounded so dated with my choice of words.

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Marissa Simpson